The Making of the Constitution

1453 Words3 Pages

The Making of the Constitution

The Constitution of the United States, the fundamental law of the

United States of America. Drafted by the Constitutional Convention in

Philadelphia, Pa., between May 25 and Sept. 17, 1787, it is the

world's oldest written constitution still in effect. The document

presents a set of general principles out of which implementing

statutes and codes have emerged. As such, it embodies the essence of

constitutionality--that government must be confined by the rule of

law. The House of Representatives, Congress, The President and Vice

President were executive powers outlined in key sections within the

Constitution. These people represented all of the colonies together as

one, the United States of America.

The convention delegates agreed that a new constitution was needed.

However, many controversies had to be resolved before one could be

drafted. A basic issue was the extent of powers to be granted to the

national government, and a major obstacle was the conflicting

interests of large and small states.

Before the Constitution of the United States was laid out and written

on a piece of paper it's ideas and values were edified in the Articles

of the Confederation which was ratified on March 1, 1781. The Articles

of the Confederation was a unifying document for the existing

colonies. However, unified leadership was not identified yet.

On the third of September in 1783 the Treaty of Paris was signed

marking the end of the Revolutionary War. The Treaty of Paris was an

agreement to make peace between France and The United States of

America. This treaty aloud for the two entities to forget past


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...cipated that such conduct would result in advancing

the welfare of all citizens. This took both wideness of vision and a

healthy confidence in the potential wisdom and responsibility of the

electorate. It was the boldest step toward government of, by, and for

all the people yet undertaken by Western man.

In it first two hundred years of operation the Constitution proved

remarkably flexible. The nature of the U.S. government changed

greatly, but most changes evolved from new interpretations of the

document. Formal amendment proved necessary in only twenty five

instances, and these occurred mainly in spurts--as during the

Reconstruction and Progressive periods. However, many of the twenty

five amendments provided for fundamental social and procedural


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