The Major Shadow Side Issues of Each of the Three Stages

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The Major Shadow Side Issues of Each of the Three Stages

Briefly identify and discuss the major “shadow side” issues of each of the three stages.

I. Storytelling

A. Shadow side: accountability

1. The tendency to tell a story ambiguously or unclearly

2. If I leave some out, I won’t be accountable for it all

B. Shadow side: accuracy

1. What will the helper think of me?

2. Self presentational process.

C. Shadow side: discretionary change

1. Nondiscretionary change is mandated change

2. If I don’t have to change, I won’t

II. Challenge (Blind Spots)

A. Shadow side: dealing with dissonance

1. Some clients dodge and weave at suggestions to change

2. They discredit the challenger

3. They attempt to change the challenger’s views

4. They devalue the issue

5. They seek support elsewhere

6. Cooperate in session, do nothing outside the session

B. Shadow side: the “MUM” effect.

1. Counselors are reluctant to challenge, withhold bad news even when in the other person’s interest

2. Excuses

i. I am not used to challenging

ii. I may be hurt

iii. I might become negative

iv. I don’t want to hurt others

v. They won’t like me

III. Leverage Shadow Side

A. Wasted time discussiong non-issues

1. Helpers unknowingly feed agendas

2. They fit the client to the model, not the model to the client

B. Unbrought-up concerns

1. Some client’s skirt issues that are uncomfortable

2. Some clients lie to avoid blame

IV. Possible Strategies

A. Shadow side: choices in life

1. Information gathering

i. Clients gather too little information

ii. Client get the wrong information

iii. Helpers should make the process “good enough” for decision making

2. Information Processing

i. Clients bring emotions to the rational table

ii. Some decisions are based on taste

3. Choice and execution

i. Some clients do not analyze the situation

ii. Some do not like the choice, so they discount the process

iii. Some rationalize delaying the choice.

B. Shadow side: Making Smarter Decisions

1. The status quo bias

i. Clients feel safe when the process uplifts the present situation

ii. Watch and wait approach to change

2. The confirming evidence trap

i. If the client decides not to change, he will search for evidence to support the decision

ii. Clients tend not to test their decisions, but build them up

V. Change

A. Shadow side: helpers as agents

1. Some helpers respond to passivity with passivity

2. The helper must be a doer before he can inspire action

B. Shadow side: reluctance to start

1. Passivity may take the form of doing nothing, acting aimlessly, and shutting down

2. Learned helplessness is giving up before you start because of pre-confirmed self stereotypes

3. Disabling self-talk takes the form of negative inner conversations

4. Vicious circles of guilt and depression because of failed attempts

5. Disorganization feeds the tendency to not succeed.

C. Shadow side: entropy

1. Entropy is the tendency to fall apart

2. Clients tend to not change, or stop what they are doing

VI. Commitment’s shadow side: Goal setting

A. Helpers and clients both tend to not want to set goals.

B. Goals mean intended action, and passivity on the part of the client breeds passivity on the part of the helper

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