The Lost Boy Book Analysis

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In the book, The Lost Boy: A Foster Child 's Search for the Love of a Family, there was many strengths and weaknesses. The strengths involved how much detail this book had. It allowed you enter this alternate universe where one could actually picture what was happening. This book allowed you to fall in love with the characters and really give you perspective on how a foster child lives. An how a child can jump from house to house in the matter of months. The weaknesses of this book were more personal comments of mine. I wish there had been more information regarding to Pelzers brother that were still living in his mother house, and also why the mother did what she did. Was she just crazy? Did she have something against Pelzer? I just wish it …show more content…

First off in Chapter 12 of the Sociology book it discusses the dark side of family. How parents are abusing the children by beating them, not feeding them, etc. Just like in the book, Pelzer beating by his mother, tormented and the only food he was allowed to eat was left over food that was in his siblings plates or the trashcan (ch.1). Another topic is agents of socialization. Regarding family, school, and peer groups. However, when referring to the book it is a negative aspect. Pelzer 's family. Taught him nothing, expected only for him to fail, and for him to always be weak. In the Sociology book it refers to the family part as being guidance for us to mature and grow, but in Pelzer 's case it was just the opposite and same with school and peer groups. In school Pelzer was always directed into the wrong crowds that got him to do very hurtful and wrong things. Which leads me to Chapter 5 in the Sociology book where it discussed peer pressure. From Pelzer being in a home where all he wanted to do was belong made peer pressure much easier for him. It allowed him to do anything anybody told him just to fit in. Even if Pelzer knew what he was doing was wrong, he knew people may accept him, if he did it. Which then leads me to Chapter 9 of the Sociology book. Prejudice and discrimination are a big part of this book. Pelzer 's mother is reason for all the conflict that has been in Pelzer 's life. She is definition of

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