The Loss Of Faith In Harold Kushner's The Book Of Job

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The book of Job describes faith in the heart of suffering and retribution through the life of its protagonist, Job himself. While the book does not demystify or explain why human beings suffer or even provide a justification for the ways of God in regard to human beings, it efficiently probes the depths in which one can remain faithful in such intense suffering. Through the use of this book, Harold Kushner provides a description that is deterministic of why suffering and agony should not be the reasons for the loss of faith even as he himself antagonizes the death of his son at an early age. Job endures extensively a long list of suffering ranging from losing his children, his livestock, and his properties but majorly maintains his strong faith …show more content…

At first, Job is strong in his faith and he goes to a length of ignoring his wife and friends on forgetting his faith and dying. “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD” (New King James Version Bible, Job. 1.21). However, with the continuation of his suffering, it becomes too much to bear and he questions God why he doesn’t answer him in times of his anguish, “I cry out to You, but You do not answer me; I stand up, and You regard me” (Job. 30.20). This is a point where many individuals get to in life, in the blink of losing faith and blaming God. Most of us at this trying moments would wish to have an umpire that would take our cries to God and perhaps get answers to the questions that we ask at those …show more content…

Bad things do happen, there is no argument in that regard, and God is not characteristically doing these bad things to us. Job’s thinking and wishes do not conform to Messianic arbitration and mediation, in fact, he wished at some point that God could answer to someone for his sufferings. Following this, Kushner notes that God is just and he is with us even in moments when bad things happen to us. The misfortunes that happen to us are not God’s doing and with this understanding then God should provide comfort and strength to deal with trials and misfortunes. This realization may be hard to contemplate because we have grown understanding that God is all-powerful and everything is under his control just like Job

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