The Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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The Lord Of the Flies Final Essay Many Societies have fallen due many crucial errors caused by the inability to maintain an acceptable society. In the book The Lord of the Flies a plane full of boys is trapped on an uninhabited island due to a plane crash . They were traveling away from Europe due to a World War ll. During the plane crash the pilot was killed and now the boys are all alone on an island with no adults. The boys alone on the island tried to create a republic, just like in their homeland. They selected a leader among two candidates, which were Ralph and Jack and they voted Ralph into power . During …show more content…

Jack’s side believes in hunting for food to eat, for example hunting the pig and also hunting the beast. Jack’s group has displaced all their responsibility due to hunting, which is their first priority, “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.” this quote shows how obsessed jacks is with hunting and kill which he let's get the better of him. This quote tells me that Jack’s pride and eagerness to power is dividing the island. He disobeys orders given to him by Ralph, who was elected chief by the boys. Jacks uses the idea of hunting the beast to take control of the boys by explaining that without him there will no one to stop the beast and that he is the only one that can rid of the beast. With no other choice the boys are forced to believe him because they are frightening of the beast and value their lives. With no protection offered from jack the boys are brain washed over to jack’s sides and is turned into savages and becomes an animal that only care about hunting and having fun. Also jack group believes in surviving and having fun while staying on the island with no intend on getting off. They decide to throw huge parties around the campfires with dances and food. During this time of celebration Simon is killed because of the failure to think before reacting which remind me of an animal. Which they soon become more like. Simon is killed because he discovered a dead pilot's body that has fallen on the hill and decides to go back to the party and tell them.While returning he was wrongfully recognized as a beast because he was covered in mud and was charged at by the boys and was killed. After the death of Simon, Piggy the character that represents technology and intelligence was in a state of denial, he could not believe what had just happened. So he attempts to explain, "It was an accident." Then, he accuses Simon as he says that Simon had no

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