The Lebanese Civil War And The Lebanese Civil War

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Syrian intervention was the saver for Lebanon from the war. Lebanese civil war was bloody war and complex conflict, which lasted for more than 16 years and 7 months in Lebanon (April 13, 1975 - Oct 13 1990). Additionally, the roots of the conflicts, comes from the political compromises in the French mandate time over Lebanon and Syria. It returned to appear because of population (demographic) change in Lebanon and the Islamic- Christian religious conflict, as well as rapprochement between Syria and Israel. There was brief stop to fighting in 1976 for the Arab summit and then returned to complete the civil conflict . South of Lebanon was the center mainly, and it was dominated at the beginning by the Palestine Liberation Organization, and then Israel occupation. The war ended with the deployment of the Syrian army, which was approved, by the Lebanese government, the Arab summit and the international community . Researches say that, The Syrian intervention may saved Lebanon from the war but it damaged it economy.

There are Differs in the history the beginning of the war, but many agree that it started in April 13, 1975, where there was a failed attempt to assassinate the Maronite leader Pierre Gemayel attempt out by Palestinian militants, which led to the assassinate "Joseph Abu Assi" Facilities of Pierre Gemayel. In the other side, the said in response to this the attack of a civil bus in Ein Rummaneh which, had Palestinians passenger in it and 27 people was killed. In the war there was more in two parts in the conflict. The war included Parties were fighting among religious and political axes, these parties represented in the Maronite Christians, Shiites, Sunnis, Druze, Palestinian Liberation Organization, and the Israelis, as ...

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...r ended by dismissing of Michel Aoun and enables the Government of Elias Hrawi. Also, by the issuance of amnesty law for all crimes that have occurred since 1975 by the Lebanese Parliament in March 1991. In May, all militias were dissolved, except Hezbollah and began the process of building the Lebanese army as an army national army not a sectarian one . To Sum up, the Taif Agreement was the sparkle that end the war.

In conclusion, Lebanon civil war is a vary complex that last for all most 15 years. This war was a war of religion and sectors. The war had been through four major phases, first is the Sectarian violence and massacres, and second on was a continuing of the first phases and the begging of the third one. Third phases, was the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. The fourth phase and the last one was the pace phase. In the end, Syria had a major role in Lebanon.

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