The Last Supper Essay

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The theme of The Last Supper was a very well-known painting, which was about the important event in Christian history. The Last Supper was the final meal when Jesus shared with His twelve apostles before His crucifixion and announced one of them would betray Him. Besides, The Last Supper was painted by Leonardo da Vince, it was also painted by Tintoretto in a different style with other painting technique skills. Although those painting were painted about the same theme, they had made out of very different media. Leonardo da Vinci began working on the painting in 1495 and finished it in 1498 at the church, which was during the Renaissance period. In this painting, Leonardo used a linear perspective to create space and depth, such as the windows behind Jesus, the doors behind apostles, and the ceiling. There was Jesus and twelve apostles. Jesus was sitting at the middle with His apostles and looking calm. The apostles were seen in a state of shock and denial. Judas was sitting with everyone, clutching …show more content…

After 100 years after Leonardo’ The Last Supper, Tintoretto’s The Last Supper was appealing as one of the most reproduced scenes in all of Renaissance art by its unique depiction. Tintoretto began it in 1592 and finished it in 1594, which was during Mannerist period. Tintoretto transformed the painting into a stronger and more realistic scene by using perspective effects and light-on-dark techniques skill. In this painting, Tintoretto used a diagonal dinner table to create depth and drama. Besides Jesus and his apostles, angles and servants were in this painting. Judas was sitting in the opposite side of the table and the only one apostle without a halo, which was trying to point of he was a betrayer. The painting was finished by using oil on canvas, which was more durable to keep it as a good

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