The Landlady Analysis

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Screenwriters alter an author’s original work, because some think that people will be more drawn to watch their movie. “The Landlady by Roald Dahl, and the series, “Tales of the Unexpected,” have many similarities and differences. Many parts of the book are compared and contrasted throughout the movie.

“The landlady,” by Roald Dahl and “The Tales of the unexpected have many similarities. The first similarity is that the landlady in both versions of the story stuff her deceased animals. In the short story version, she stuffs many of her animals such as a dog and a parrot. Similar to the story, the movie also shows that the landlady stuff both her dead dog and parrot. Im sure screenwriters kept this part of the story the same because they didn’t want to get rid of too many details. The next similarity of …show more content…

The first difference of the story was that billy never died in the short story, while in the movie he did. The last thing Billy said was, “Excuse my asking, but haven’t there been any other guests here except them in the last two or three years?” After that, the landlady answers him and that's where the story leaves off. There is no explanation, on whether or not Billy dies in the short story. In the movie though, it clearly shows that Billy has died from drinking the tea, and the landlady will stuff him. The screenwriter alters the plot from the author's short story because the screenwriter thinks that if they add more to the movie, it will be more interesting. Another difference from the story and the movie is that in the movie the landlady suffocates Billy. When Billy starts to dye the landlady closes the window and locks the doors so he can’t escape and will die right on his bed. In the story Billy was never sent to die in a room, or the window of his room wasn’t even closed. I think the screenwriters changed this because they wanted the audience to be more interested in the

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