Cause And Effect Essay-Fuller Lips

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A revealing example of young, insecure girls attempting to imitate their favorite celebrities is the Kylie Jenner lip challenge in which girls put their lips in a shot like glass cup and “suction” their lips for a “fuller look” (Moyer 1). While some girls see this as a way to look more attractive, it is incredibly damaging and can causes serious health issues; Dendy Engelman, a dermatologic surgeon explains that it can cause “significant pain, swelling, and bruising result from these suction techniques, but there is potential risk for scarring and permanent disfigurement with repeated attempts” (Moyer 2). In addition, it can lead to “scarring, bruising and even lip indentations” that may be “permanent.” There is even a cosmetic device called the Candylipz that provides youngsters with a tool to create a fuller lip that has the same possible consequences as the lips challenge Those who have participated in this challenge say this process is “quite painful,” making it hard to eat and requiring “heavy makeup to conceal the wounds” (Moyer 3). These girls are trying to become more beautiful based on an idealistic role model, who has obviously gotten numerous surgeries to enhance her image. Artificially changing your look with makeup is one thing, but it is concerning when young women (who are not fully developed mentally or physically) begin making uninformed decisions that could change their look forever.

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