The Kite Runner Mind Map Analysis

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This media mind is presented in the form of a kite. The mind map was made from hand drawings and images from the internet. I chose a kite to be the major symbol of the mind map because it represents many different themes. In the novel, the kite represents a wide variety of themes such as guilt and hope. The kite was made so that it can be opened up. Symbolically, this action means that you are “unpacking” the themes out of what seems to be an ordinary kite. In order to highlight the importance of the kite and other drawings, I used bold colours for the symbols and faint colours for the background. Since I did not want to draw attention away from these symbols, I used the standard Arial font for the quotes. I used one image to represent the …show more content…

The symbol I used for the first quote is a cleft lip. In the novel, this represents poverty. In the novel, Baba pays to fix Hassan’s cleft lip because Ali could not afford it. This is because in Afghanistan, Baba is considered wealthy in contrast to when he is in America. Although the cleft lip is associated with Hassan, it is ironically associated with Baba because he shows signs of poverty in America. The symbol I used for the second theme is the monster in the lake. This monster represents evil caused by jealousy. In this case, the monster symbolizes Amir’s selfishness when he let Assef assault Hassan. When Amir stats how no one can be trusted, he is also untrustworthy. The symbol I used to represent the third theme was the blue kite. In the novel, Amir wins this kite from the tournament. Although this kite represents guilt, it can also represent redemption because Amir later amends his wrong doings by fathering Sohrab. Since Amir attempts to redeem his relationship with his father through winning the local kite tournament, I thought that this would be an insightful symbol. Lasty, I used brass knuckles to represent the final theme. Assef uses these knuckles to harm others. I incorporated this symbol to represent the abuse of power because this theme addresses the justification of

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