The Kite Runner Betrayal Quotes Analysis

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Betrayal is one of the worst things you could do to someone and a even worse thing to do to one of your closest friends. You break there trust and leave them hurt and questioning what they did wrong. In khaled hosseini’s novel, the kite runner two unlikely friends share a indescribable bond and go through many traumatic moments where they are both questioning there friendship. Amir wondering if the best thing to do is run from his problems and Hassan left questioning their friendship. In fact the most traumatic moments for the two of them was when Hassan was in the alley and was tested how far his loyalty for Amir would go. Hassan was in the alley no one there to help him his only hope was Amir. Amir was terrified not knowing what to do standing there like a lifeless body trying to decide between good or bad. His heart racing when all of a sudden he had a thought and didn't think twice and he quote: “ran because i was a coward i was afraid of what aseef would do to me, I was afraid of getting hurt”. Amir chose to run to betray his friend for his own safety. He didn't think of how this …show more content…

Amir felt as there friendship would never be the same so he picked up a and hurled it at hassan so hard it burst on his clothing staining him. As soon as he threw it he then quickly says “‘hit me back’” he was annoyed at hassan he wanted him to hit him so hasan could get him back. Hassan continued to hit him with pomegranates till he was head to toe dripping and stained of pommergarnets. Amir was exhausted and looked up at amir to hassan. After hit him with pomegranates hassan picked one up and hit himself with one “he walked toward me he opened it and crushed it against his forehead there, he said are you satisfied do you feel better?’’ Amir wanted hassan to betray him so bad just so he could feel better but no matter how hard he tried Hassan would not give

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