The Key Of A Successful Marriage

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The Key To A Successful Marriage

Marriage, Oh wow. They say a marriage is a blessing as well as having a child. It is definitely a milestone in life that comes with a lot of ups and downs. For me, I have been married to my husband a little over a year and we have been together a little over five years. Trust me when I say the road has not been easy but it is definitely worth the struggle and the hassle. I believe the keys to a successful marriage are love, trust, honestly and most important God.
Love is a successful key to marriage because if you don’t love a person how can you spend a lifetime with them. What is love? Love is a force of nature. However much we may want to, we can not command, demand, or take away love, any more than we can command the moon and the stars and the wind and the rain to come and go according to our whims. We may have some limited ability to change the weather, but we do so at the risk of upsetting an ecological balance we don 't fully understand. You have to have Love in order to even begin a marriage. Love cares what becomes of you because love knows that we are all interconnected. Love is inherently compassionate and empathic. Love knows that the "other" is also oneself. This is the true nature of love and love itself can not be manipulated or restrained. Love honors the sovereignty of each soul. Love is its own law. What is not love? Love is not what the movies and hit songs tell us it is. Love doesn’t hurt. If it hurts it’s something else. Fear. Attachment. Idolatry. Addiction. Possessiveness. Nobody’s heart aches out of love. In pop culture, love gets conflated with desire all the time. From childhood we learn you can like something, or you can love it, as if it’s only different degrees of the ...

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... 1 Peter 3:7).
4. Protection. The husband protects the wife by laying down his life for her (Ephesians 5:25). The wife is to protect the home (Titus 2:4-5) and the parents together protect their children to raise up a godly seed (Malachi 2:15; Psalm 112:1-2).

See, I don’t believe in divorces so I do all I can to make things work. When people come at me and tell me things that I know is not true, I think of them as sandpaper they migh scratch and rub me the wrong way, but eventually I am going to end up smooth and polished and the sandpaper worn out and ugly. My best advice to a healthy marriage is to keep people out your business and keep God first. I hope that I have been a help in someone’s marriage and if you are not married I hope that this essay helps when you eventually get married. If you can keep these things in mind, nothing can stop you from being happy.

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