Exploring Justice in Plato's 'The Republic'

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The Republic is considered one of the most important philosophical work of Pluto’s philosophical and literary book of Pluto’s .Republic is considered introduction to the dialogue. The dialogue starts which is repeats her story by Socrates. The actual events it goes in house of cephalous in Piraeus day festival of the goddess curves. Where polemarchus advovates Socrates to go with him to his home to discuss cephalous and other men. Socrates asks cephalous if age is also a lot of hardships as people say says cephalous aging bring peace and injury of not much harder than youth says Socrates for cephalous probably carries aging well and not because of how it was broken but because the wealthy and had ahead money cephalous that wealth allows one to live lives permeated with justice in the rich guy and he does not need to be afraid because of the money and therefore the dialogue on what is the justice of this dialogue we can infer that. There are three different views on the meeting of justice already I say cephalous and his son Telemachus they represent public opinion and people
Second opinion:
See sophist thrasymachus who is a political principle adopted by the Athenian state in colonial policy
Third opinion: View sees Socrates that representative of the philosophy of …show more content…

While I am alive there is the possibility to act, to strive for happiness, this is justice. For this reason Ibn-Khaldun says “The world is a garden the fence of which is the dynasty. The dynasty is an authority through which life is given proper behavior. Proper behavior is a policy directed by the ruler. The ruler is an institution supported by the soldiers. The soldiers are helpers who are maintained by money. Money is sustenance brought together by the subjects. The subjects are servants who are protected by justice. Justice is something familiar (harmonious) and through it, the world

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