The Journal Of Modern Ministry: Christian Counseling Today

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Contemporary literature on the subject of counseling is abundant in quantity, but not always in quality. Awareness of the content and intent of these forms of literature is critical for the integrity, competency, and faith of today’s Biblical counselors. Integration has taken many deceptive forms, but none more dangerous than literature. This paper will summarize, compare, and contrast the content and intent of five of the leading examples of Christian journals that address counseling ministry; Christian Counseling Today, The Journal of Biblical Counseling, The Journal of Modern Ministry, The Journal of Psychology and Christianity and The Journal of Psychology and Theology. This Christian Counseling Today (CCT) journal is published and …show more content…

The purpose of the journal is to be an exchange resource of scriptural insight for pastors, elders, deacons, teachers and other ministering Christians. The publishers believe that this is an unrealized need for ministry that they felt led to address with their publication. The senior writer of the JMM is Jay Adams, who is also the founder of the CCEF, and the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors, and Timeless Texts. The types of articles in the JMM are ones that address issues within the life of a Christian, whether a leader or lay person. Each article is geared toward Nouthetic counseling, and teaching of key biblical doctrines. The historical variation I notice in the journal as the years progressed was how the article began to address issues from more of an individual perspective. The Journal of Psychology and Christianity (JPC) is published by the Christian Association for Psychological Studies to provide an avenue for the scholarly interchange of clinical topics, research, theoretical issues among Christian professionals in the fields of psychology, and within the pastoral professions. The articles in the JPC are a mix of psychological insights, strategies and other varying religious theories. The most obvious historical change for the JPC was the shift of the focus from religion to more of psychology as the issues progressed throughout …show more content…

From the content of the articles to the organizations and authors affiliated with these publications, it is clear that these two journals are Bible focused. Within all of the issues I reviewed in the JBC, every article addresses or implies key Biblical doctrines that are may be a cause for concern for Biblical counselors and counselees within their professions or personal life. I believe that both of these publications to very helpful to Biblical Counselors because of the concise and effect manner in which they address issues, and the choice of topics are relative to the practical Christian life while teaching Biblical application and doctrines. I would personally subscribe to either of these journals for both personal and profession reasons because I believe that the content of these publications could cultivate my growth in my relationship with Christ, my family, and my

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