The Jilting Of Granny Weatherall By Katherine Anne Porter

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In the short story “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” Author Katherine Anne Porter describes the inside thoughts, feelings, and specific memory that goes on within Granny. Granny Weatherall’s life was filled with loss, but she overcame it. The main character responds to the loss she dealt with by persevering through it. Granny dealt with multiple life altering experiences that stood by her throughout her entire life. With these experiences, it molded her into the strong woman that she became. Granny had no choice other than to live with the losses that she endured. She reminisces in the old days. A time where her children were small and young, and her husband John was alive and well. In the text, a specific age of her husband's death is not stated. Although, there are some ideas provided. In the text, it states “...but now all the children were older than their father” which provides a better idea to come to a conclusion. Losing a loved one is never easy, especially if it has to do with losing a spouse. Granny and John shared children, which made it tougher for her. Granny also lost Hapsy, a child of hers that she had cherished immensely. Granny felt a …show more content…

His actions affected her individual self in many ways. George made her feel very vulnerable throughout her life because she is always self-conscious of him even when she is on her deathbed. This shows how Granny’s strength is not so much physical, but mental. Many events throughout her life were simply unfavorable outcomes, but she lived her life well. She was happy with what she had because of her self-determination to move past the demons that haunted her. Granny went through many trials and tribulations that tested her own mental health, but she endurance got her through it. Granny concluded that she was content with the outcome of her life while she was speaking to Corelia. Granny describes a specific

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