The Jersey Devil: Fact or Fiction?

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Paranormal activity is simply the activity dealing with spirits and the strange phenomena that cannot be explained by what the scientist know about nature and the world (Merriam-Webster, 2014). There are several different types of paranormal entities such as Poltergeist, spirits, hauntings, and etc. Hauntings appear in most places and they appeal to every sense except taste. Hauntings can be from anything dealing with the life form that was once alive (MPI, 2009-2014). Poltergeists are “noisy ghosts” but really distinguishes them is they are attracted to one person, epicenter. Epicenter is usually a person, usually a female, which is going through puberty and sometimes emotionally stressed (MPI, 2009-2014).
The Jersey Devil is a mythical creature in the New Jersey Pinelands that have haunted New Jersey for 260 years. It intimidated towns and made factories closed as well as schools, but some people believe it is an old legend. There are 2,000 sightings of the Jersey Devil, which is too many to say that is it a legend. Dave Julian said, “It was about three feet and half high, with a head like a collie dog and a face like a horse. It had a long neck, wings about two feet long, and its back legs were like those of a crane, and it had horse's hooves” (Julian, 1995). The creature is very unlike that is has inhabited the New Jersey area. The most popular legend about the Jersey Devil is Mrs. Shrouds of Leeds Point, New Jersey made a wish that if she had another child, she want it to be a devil. Her next son was born and he was deformed and very unsightly. Mrs. Shrouds was a witch and she indulged in witchcraft (Julian, 1995). The Jersey Devil preyed on animals such as coyote, foxes, bobcats and badgers. The animals that t...

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...he Jersey Devil with the broom until it released the dog. There were at least 100 people out so there’s no doubt that the claim is true. It is true because that’s a whole neighborhood that seen the Jersey Devil that night. The claim is true and honest.
Account 3
This claim is filled up with incorrect information. The claim has all of the data from the claim. She said that she came to see that her dog had been gnawed on and dragged away from its chain by the Jersey Devil. She didn’t see the Jersey Devil but she said she seen some unidentified tracks that could have been any animal. The claim is false because there is no evidence leading to the Jersey Devil.

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