The Jaguar: The Tiger And The Tiger

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The native inhabitants of Suriname referred to him as a God. It is the third largest cat in the world after the tiger and the lion. The Native American called it 'yaguar' which means 'he who kills with one leap', yes this is the jaguar. The Jaguar (Panthera onca) can be found in 18 Latin American countries. Today they are mainly concentrated between Southern Arizona and New Mexico to Northern Argentina. They are however extinct in EL Salvador and Uruguay.
Males measure around 1.8 m (6 ft) long and can weight up to 113 kg (250 lb). Females are usually smaller and lighter ( 100kg). They can reach sexual maturity at about 2 years of age, males at 3/4 years.They can have litters of 1-4 cubs which they would defend fiercely (even against their own father) as the cubs are blind at birth and overly dependant on their mother.Most jaguars have an orange colour coat with distinctive black spots on which are unique to each individual and are used to identify them. Some jaguars born black (black panther). The melanism is conferred by a dominant allele that gives that excessive black pigment on the jaguar's coat. This is called ' ghost tripping'. The spots are actually still present but hidden by the heavy pigmentation.
These mammals are opportunistic hunters. they are highly muscular and have very powerful jaws.They are efficient killers, known as being 'stalk and ambush' predators.
They can kill preys that weigh more than 450kg (1,000 lb) such as cows. Their eating preferences are :deers, coati, peccaries, armadillo, capybaras, birds, small mammals and even snakes.Occasionally their diet would also include fish or large river turtles. Jaguars can break open turtles shells using their strong canines. Unlike other big cats such as lion...

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...s. They have similar behavioural characteristics and habitats as tigers (they roam around rivers). Panthera pardus (leopards) do not however live in Latin America, this species can only be found in parts of Africa (e.g.:sub-Saharan part) , tropical, South and West Asia or Siberia . Both jaguars and leopards have rosette spots whereas cheetahs have round black spots. They are also slender looking and inhabit most of Africa and parts of the Middle East. Cheetahs are also by far the fastest cats of the Felidae family; they can run as fast as 120 km/h ( up to 75 mph) .Tigers are the largest of all cat species with a total body length of up to 3.3 metres. Its most recognisable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on an orange fur with a lighter underside.They once ranged across Asia, from Turkey to Russia but are now in pocket areas in Asia, Malaysia and Russia.

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