The JROTC Program

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JROTC started shortly after world war 1 did. It has been in this world for a very long time. However, the JROTC program had changed over the years. Long ago people didn't want to join the military do to how hard and scary it were, by fighting and killing other people. In the 1900s, the Army itself established units at 30 schools only. JROTC came to Griffin,GA at Griffin high school at 1924. The JROTC did not have a mission statement like there is in today's life. In most areas there was no permanent staff in control either. There was only one full time civilian that supervised the entire operation. While in being in high school it was required all physically qualified students to complete the basics ROTC course in order to graduate. However, …show more content…

As a whole, students are involved in many more activities. Such as let competition, JCLC, and more. As the JROTC cadets has grown, the more the Hall of Fame will grow. One thing cadets need to control is the respect and attitude. As a whole in the state of Georgia, JROTC will impact the younger ones that enter high school. It shows students how to speak out more in front of other students. It also shows cadets how to be more of ourselves than being anyone else. Its different because its less physical training than it was back in the past. JROTC has even encourage more people to go into services to join the military. Do to that it helps more students stay out of trouble in school and out of school. JROTC instructors wants cadets to know what the world is about and how to live with the knowledge that we have. Students turn into cadets to make a difference in the school, country, and at home. JROTC is about doing our best and getting rewarded for the good things we do, individually and as a whole. Over the past years, students take control of the whole company. Which has impacted people to do good, because it opens other people's eyes and then others wants to copy the leaders. When teachers realize that some of his/her students are in ROTC, they will expect more respect and discipline in them. JROTC is not like any other classes, it's more about leadership and

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