The Italian Diet

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The Italian diet is a healthy one and despite popular belief,the vast majority of Italians are not overweight. Many components in their diet help that conclusion be real. The way that they cook,the foods that they eat,and even how much time they take eating,all results in them having a healthy lifestyle and not having a large percentage of obese people. The Italian cuisine has some foods that are very common in Italian food. Some of these foods are olive oil,tomatoes,garlic,seafood,whole grains,beans,dark leafy greens,nuts,and red wine. Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fat,reduces the amounts of LDL cholesterol in you and enlarges the amount of good HDL cholesterol. Tomatoes contain a large quantity of vitamin C and Lycopene,which protects the heart and may also prevent certain types of cancer. Garlic has antibiotic and antifungal properties and was reffered to as magical by the ancient Romans. It also prevents blood clotting and lowers some cancer risks. Seafood is also great for health. Lean seafood contains a large supply of protein,niacin,and selenium. Whole wheat grains keep all their fiber, magnesium, vitamin E and other antioxidant phytochemicals,in comparison to refined grains that do not keep them. Beans are a very good source of high-quality protein along with folate, calcium, iron and zinc. They are also high in fiber,phytates and phytosterols. Dark leafy greens are a great source of vitamins A, C and K and helpful antioxidants. Nuts are packed with monounsaturated fat and are a good source of protein, fiber, vitamin E, folate, calcium and magnesium. Red wine can increase good cholesterol and help you digest your food and absorb the nutrients. The way that Italians cook is very different from our way. They use ... ... middle of paper ... ...ting more food than necessary. when cooking,they use lots of canola oil and frying,which adds a large amount of fat to the food. All in All,Italy is a healthy country. They use healthy ingredients,use fresh food,and,take their time to eat. The American diet may not be very healthy,with refined products,and,quick eating. If people want to lose weight,they should go to Italy. There part of the culture is to eat healthy. In America,the eating habits are not very goood and the culture does not include a healthy diet in it. Works Cited

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