The Invention Of The Phhonograph

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A good invention always starts with a crazy idea. The phonograph was invented in 1877 by Thomas Edison. The phonograph was made for a person to be able to talk to another person from far distance. The very first words to come from the phonograph was “Mary had a little lamb.” The phonograph has come a long way, from the first prototypes to today’s new iPhone and the different stages it took throughout the years. The very first photograph was made in 1877 and it was mainly made of wood and used tin foil to create the sound. The way that the first phonograph worked was when you cranked the handle and spoke it would create bumps and cresses in the tin foil. When you played back the telegraph will read the bumps and cresses in the foil and it will come out as sound. This fancy item comes with a price, in 1891 the phonograph costed $150. Within a year Tomas Edison will put this invention and put it in dolls so the dolls can talk. With that invention was the telegraph. A few decades before the phonograph was the telegraph. The telegraph was made in 1844 by Samuel Morse. The telegraph was a much more simpler invention then the phonograph. The telegraph used Morse code which is an alphabet or code in ticks. The ticks could be short or longer than others. Today short ticks can be written …show more content…

Hings invented the walkie talkie. Its first purpose was for pilots to communicate with one and another. But once WWII started the use for walkie talkies exploded. The walkie talkie was mainly used for communicating from the war zone to base. At this time, the walkie talkie was a large backpack with one long antenna, a headset going to the person holding the walkie talkie, and a phone for another solder to call in coordination. This type of walkie talkie was also used in the Vietnam War to call in air strikes. In this period, the walkie-talkie weighed around five pounds, was about seventeen inches in height, and for the most part it was made entirely of

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