The Intuitionist Lila Mae Essay

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When people come across the term “elevator”, people of modernity will believe that it is an important invention in the development of society. They believe elevator is an essential technology in their daily life. However, Lila Mae thinks elevator isn’t just an essential technology. She believes the elevator is the core of her career, the core of the city and what brings the city moving forward. Lila Mae is also an intuitionist which she believes “Intuitionism is about communicating with the elevator on a nonmaterial basis” (Whitehead 62). Therefore, it is possible to assume that the elevator in The Intuitionist is not just a machine, it is also alive. Whitehead has bought the elevator to life through two major ways: Lila Mae’s interpretation with its narration and metaphysical description. …show more content…

First, the elevator is presented as an alive object through Lila Mae’s interpretation and its narration. When she recalls her …show more content…

In The Intuitionist, Whitehead constantly refers to the matter of “soul” in relationship to elevator. At the end of part one: “So complete is Number Eleven’s ruin that there’s nothing left but the sound of the crash, rising in the shaft, a fall in opposite: a soul” (Whitehead 65) This is a metaphor of the “elevator freefall” incident, he describes the elevator isn’t just fall by itself, this incident not just only made by the sound of the crash, but also a fall from the soul – the soul of elevator. Even James Fulton, the author of Theoretical Elevators wrote how important the soul of elevator operate mechanically and

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