The International Transport Workers Trade Union (ITF)

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1.10 INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT WORKERS FEDERATION (ITF): The ITF, 1999,states that, “The International Transport Workers’ Federation is an international federation of transport workers’ trade unions. Around 700 unions, representing more than 4.5 million transport workers from 150 countries, are members of the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF). The ITF is linked to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). Any trade union that is independent and has members in the transport industry, can become members of the organisation. The ITF's headquarter’s is located in London and it has offices in Amman, Brussels, Georgetown (Guyana), Moscow, Nairobi, New Delhi, Ouagadougou, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo.” The ITF, 1999, points out that, “The Gaols, as set by the ITF Constitution which aims: • to promote respect for trade …show more content…

The ITF opposes the flags of convenience (FOC) system, because under cover of this system, ship owners can register their ships under foreign flags, avoiding taxation and regulations imposed by their own countries. FOC ships do not have any nationality, and are beyond the control of any single national seafarers’ trade union. The FOC system is liable to avoiding labour regulations, making low payments, and imposing long working hours and unsafe working conditions. Among international trade union organisations, the powerful influence that the ITF has on the wages and working conditions of seafarers employed on ships flying FOCs is unique. The ITF strives to ensure that the established standards of employability for seafarers are maintained by forming a set of policies labelled as the ITF Standard Collective Agreement. All FOC vessels that are covered by this ITF agreement are given a Blue certificate by the ITF Secretariat, to signify that The ITF policies are accepted and

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