The Influence Of Walking On The Pedestrian Road

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ABSTRACT: Walking has great potential to contribute to high-level government agendas for more sustainable development and should therefore take a central position in urban transport policies. Walking connects people; it has an essential role in the liveability of cities, sociability, learning, and developing one’s own personal independence and identity. Pedestrians generally make the most efficient use of scarce space in cities. Ensuring that walking is an attractive alternative and complement to motorised transport is a core response to the challenges of climate change, fossil fuel dependence, pollution, maintaining mobility for an ageing population, health, and managing the explosion in motorisation expected in low- and middle-income countries. …show more content…

However, they have been overlooked in the development of current traffic codes which have been focussed on facilitating the flow of motorised traffic. A few problems faced by pedestrians are: Missing footpaths; poor-quality (cracked, uneven or slippery) walking surfaces; poorly placed street furniture; lack of continuous pedestrian routes; speeding traffic; lack of shade etc. Recommendations: Pedestrian networks should be planned in combination with land uses to provide residential access to mixed use centres and bus routes within a 400m walk. Important design elements are, a pedestrian pathway should be well connected; comfortable; convenient; convivial; conspicuous. Minimum pedestrian through route width:1.2m over short distance(allows 1wheelchair);1.8m desirable to allow 2 wheelchairs to pass (1.5m minimum), 2m near schools and small shops; At least 2.4m in commercial or shopping environments; 3m – 4m in busy CBD pedestrian area. Reducing traffic volume and speed on the adjacent roadways ; providing at grade and pelican crossings ; improving pedestrian routes , new pedestrian route alignment and grade separation ; integration of mobility management and urban planning in order to consider the needs of pedestrians from the earliest stage of urban development projects ; Develop national pedestrian planning guidance for local administrations.

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