The Influence Of Country Music

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What is so popular about country music? Country is not just music, it explains life situations, tough times to people, and really you never hear anything bad about country; everyone listens to at least one country song. To me, country music is good because it helps people listen to others problems; such as, (Paint me a Birmingham, By:Tracy Lawrence) it sings about a guy that lost a girl and wants her to come back to his arms again. Which makes me believe country music comes from the heart and within, because most of the time the person singing, is singing about a life situation in which actually happened to them. I believe that country music sings from the heart in every way shape and form. It explains just about anything, now don't get me wrong: rap, rock, and other genres
Well truly I do not think I have ever come in contact with that individual yet, because each and every person I talk to I can put on a country song that kind of meets their taste and they will surely learn to appreciate the genre. As a singer (Blake Shelton) says “everybody has a hillbilly bone deep inside no matter where you're from you just cannot hide,” that part of the song just tells me no matter what you think you are you’re really not. Pretty much kind of saying to bring out your inner self and stop pretending to be somebody you're not.
All in all country music can change your life if you actually let it sink in. It’s amazing what effect it can put on a person's life. It helps people through life situations, helps through tough times, and there has not been a person that I have encountered that does not like country in some way. Country is a way of life, but also is the music only you can decide the path you take. But country is what makes people live life and understand the true meaning of what cruel things go on in this bizarre world we live

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