The Influence Of Artificial Intelligence

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As technology advances, new relationships are built between humans and computers. Since the mid-60’s, people have been bonding with, rather than simply using, artificial intelligence. The programs possess attractive, human-like qualities, having been gendered and sexualized over the course of their history.
The popular, and generally female, artificial intelligence of today, Siri, is the latest addition in a long line of chatterbots. Her Norwegian name means “beautiful woman who leads to victory.” There is already an expectation attached to her name: if you use her, you’ll be happy (plus she’s pretty, too). Siri answers questions in a part-human, part-robot voice that is deep, alert, capable, and female. She has also been programmed to have somewhat of an attitude, a slightly sarcastic and witty personality. People describe the program using female pronouns. Brandon Griggs from the CNN brings up an interesting point, commenting that Siri’s gender “has even prompted some users to flood blogs and online forums with sexually suggestive questions for Siri such as ‘What are you wearing?’ (Siri's baffled response: ‘Why do people keep asking me this?’)”. Because the artificial intelligence of today is smarter and increasingly able to engage people emotionally, humans have begun viewing their relationships with robots in new and startling ways. “Asking Siri to locate a friend moves quickly to fantasies about finding a friend in Siri” says Sherry Turkle, the psychologist who directs MIT’s Initiative on Technology and Self. “In those fantasies,” she continues, “Siri is like a best friend, but in some ways better. It will always listen to us, and never disappoint us, get angry, or cause conflicts. It is friendship without mutuality, since ...

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...ble assistant that could supplement the limitations of our minds and free us from mundane and tedious tasks”. So, Siri will eventually be the pretty, helpful robot who does the dirty work while humanity sits back and relaxes in its favorite recliner.
Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds since 1966, which has enabled programmers to create sexier, more idyllic artificial intelligence. The history of women as being subservient and inferior is expressed in the idea that artificial intelligence possesses the appeal of control and of pleasure with no strings attached. The physical beauty – the sensual allure – of human women is expressed in the image of chatterbots and their disembodied voices. People are drawn to the attractive human-like qualities of technology because it presents the fantasy of a perfect relationship with a sexy fem-bot who meets every need.

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