Dictatorship Animal Farm

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Animal Farm seems like a happy go lucky book on the outside but it hides dark secrets on the inside. Upon reading the first few pages, there is immediate discovery of what the animals have gone through. They are virtually slaves. Working every day of their life until they can no longer work then they are sent to a slaughter house. A charismatic hopeful pig named Old Major steps up to tell the animals there will be a rebellion that will set them free. To everyone’s surprise the awaited rebellion came but the animals were never set free. The animals adopted Animalism and consider themselves equal but the pigs begin to take charge and make themselves the leaders. The pigs hated humans but slowly started becoming them and by the end they bonded …show more content…

In this book the pigs always had special rights that no other animal had. This relates to the main leaders of communist Russia. The pigs begin to form a dictatorship. Napoleon is starting to become more aggressive when trying to get his point cross. Stalin was very well known for his cutthroat reputation. The pigs start fighting with each other. Napoleon is using fear so the animals will follow his decisions and listen to him. Snowball represents Trotsky and how Stalin (Napoleon) sentenced him (Snowball) to death after he had the support of the nation. Napoleon is a reference to Stalin, a leader who’s punishment for people was abuse, like Napoleon’s is starvation. Stalin also did this with his five year plan. This represents when Stalin murdered millions of people who attempted to rebel. Stalin and Napoleon are both mass murderers and but deserved punishment or death, even though one of the commandments state that no animal shall kill another animal. He trained his dogs to kill, Napoleon killed all those who opposed him. He was never referred to as “Napoleon” just like Stalin also had several honorific titles. The windmill’s building and constant destruction represents Stalin's attempt to keep the working class busy, so they didn not have time to worry about politics. Napoleon has many connections to Joseph Stalin. Too many to …show more content…

Here the author talks about the communist practice of working until you are dead, never being able to retire and be rewarded for your years of hard work. Jean Armstrong stated Orwell's “warning his reader about the subtlety of his allegory: pigs and humans my come to look the same at the end, but they are still essentially enemies and share only greed for power.” (133) The animals were never set free. They worked hard for the rest of their natural lives without an reward for their efforts.The animals never learned from their past so it

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