The Infliction Of Pain: How Pain Change People: Pain Changes People

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Pain Changes People.
Pain. Pain is the suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. It includes but is not limited to physical suffering. The Infliction of Pain is something that most people don’t think of unless it has happened to them personally. People don’t think about the kinds of Pain or the different ways pain can be administered. There are two different ways that pain can be dealt there is Physical pain and Emotional or Mental pain. There are many sub categories to these main subjects of pain. What people don’t understand is that there is a major difference between Emotional and Physical pain because beleive it or not pain isn’t just pain.
One of the ways that Physical pain can be administered is self-harm. Self-harm is inflicted by your person and is completely your choice. Although it is common in teens who are depressed, abused, or have been bullied …show more content…

Verbal abuse can come in many forms like when people call you names to intentionally draw a reaction from you or hurt your feelings. For example, if someone were to call you worthless, stupid, ugly, a “slut”, etc… When people say these things to you they make you feel some type of way and unfortunately you think about what they said to you. When you start to think about what they said you think about why they would possibly call you that and it makes you think you are what they called you. Another form of verbal abuse is in a marriage when your partner whether they may be a he or she is trying to make you feel like you are nothing and that you are inferior. Whether it is in a marriage or not it is hurtful and makes you think on it. Verbal abuse is considered emotional abuse because it does not physically scar you. Instead, verbal abuse causes you emotional pain and troubles, meaning emotional scarring. Although verbal abuse it just as bad as any other abuse it is not the only emotionally inflicted pain you can find in this

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