The Inevitability Of Fate In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Theme helps the reader figure out the point of the text. It gives obvious clues that lead to the conclusion of what they are reading. It gives a clear understanding of the text. The theme of Romeo and Juliet is the “Inevitability of Fate.”

The inevitability of fate in act one starts when the two families are found fighting and Prince is warning that the next time they fight they would be killed. Romeo likes Rosaline, but she doesn’t like him, and because he couldn’t get over it, he became depressed, and mopes about all day. Another form shown in act two is Romeo’s dream about his death in the future, and Mercutio’s statement of Queen Mab and that dreams lie. Afterwards some of the Montagues bring Romeo to the Capulet party, though he is reluctant because there might be a fight there. Once they go Romeo and Juliet see each other …show more content…

Romeo meets up with Juliet after ditching Mercutio and the others. When he comes back they wonder what he was doing and thinks he was with Rosaline.
The inevitability of fate in act three starts when Romeo is banished from Verona because he killed Tybalt in revenge of Mercutio’s death. Paris and Juliet are arranged to marry, but Capulet tells him it will happen right after Tybalt’s death, but they don’t know that Romeo and Juliet are married themselves. They end up setting it up because they think it might help with her sorrow of Tybalt’s death. Later Juliet tells Capulet that she doesn’t want to marry him, and he becomes angry, because of all the effort he spent to set it up.
The inevitability of fate in act four starts with Paris and Juliet, and Juliet’s reaction to having to marry him. Friar Laurence stops Juliet from killing herself and comes up with a plan for her to get what she

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