The Industrial Revolution: My Life In New England

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The Industrial Revolution brought sought change but also improvement. As the death rates began to fall and the birth rates started increasing, an upsurge in the world trade brought hope to the new society. The family structure brought a new light to forming families in regards to a more lenient way of life. The Industrial Revolution enhanced the way of life through the growth in industrial inventions. Although the sanitation seemed almost unbearable, the working class made do by maintaining hope for a better life for themselves and their families. If I were ever required to re-live England in the time of its Industrial Revolution, I do not think I could pursue the same hope as the people who endured it. I maintain a healthy and sanitary lifestyle in the new world that we live in. I work hard, but I am blessed to live in the world in which the Industrial Revolution has already taken place. I would not wish the lifestyle of the peasants, factory workers, women, or children on anyone. Although the time that these individuals experienced was growth and eventually prosperity, I could not neglect my privacy or basic sanitation. Despite my fears of dirt, I realize that without the Industrial Revolution, we would not have been able to develop the steam engine industries to mass produce for the population. Eventually, the railroad became accessible transportation for incoming resources and outgoing people and reduced costs immensely. In …show more content…

The people who endured the time of the Industrial Revolution benefited greatly. By the end, the wealthy and the working classes would not seem very different. There would be hope for a formal education and eventually prohibition in regards to child-labor. Regardless of the expansion in families, they can now rest easy in assurance that social and economic restrictions would change. With patience and endurance, the Industrial Revolution became one of the most well-known growth periods of all

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