The Incredible Router

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Woodworking is not just a profession. It is an art; an art of making furniture and other things out of wood. Chairs, cupboards, and cabinets, all are results of woodworking. Some people actually adopt woodworking as a hobby, which even becomes their profession later in their life. However for accomplishing woodworking, you need to use a variety of tools. And one important tool in the arsenal of woodworking is Router.
A router is a very versatile tool allowing you to make cuts in or hollow out wood easily. In 1989, Jeremy Brown in his book ‘The Incredible Router’ declared router to be most versatile tool present on the face of the Earth. Router helps you in shaping edges, grooving, molding, routing decorative and intricate designs and much …show more content…

No matter if you are a tinkerer or a seasoned woodworker, it will make sure it meets all of your requirements.
Best Wood Routers
DeWalt Compact Router, Black & Decker Plunge Router and Bosch Colt Palm Router are three best wood routers available in the market today. DeWalt occupies the first place, Bosch second and Black & Decker third. Top two are more expensive than the third. As per wood router reviews, DeWalt scores 4.5 and other two score 4 on a scale of 5.
A Few Tips for Tinkerers
Firstly, make sure that both the router and the router bit are moving in opposite direction. Do not get puzzled. Just control your router as it will move forward while digging into the wood. If it feels erratic, it signifies that you are doing it wrong. If it moves smoothly and effortlessly, it means you are handling it right!
Practice makes man perfect. So always practice with discarded or unwanted wood to get the hang of using router. Do not be too impatient to for routing or grooving. It will take time to learn it.
Characteristics of the best router
The following characteristics are essential for a multipurpose wood router to be called the

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