The Inaccurate Interpretation Of Jim's Episodic Memory

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Memory is the retention of information over time, and as it makes its way to your long-term memory storage, some information is lost. Any misinformation can have a major impact on how you remember a memory. Therefore, many factors could be the reason for Jim's inaccurate interpretation of his episodic memory. These factors include, but aren't limited to the age the memory occurred, new memories interfering with the old memory, or the memory simply fading over time. I will discuss these factors and more in hopes of understanding the possible reasons for Jim interpreting his childhood memory of winning the lottery incorrectly.

If Jim's memory occurred before the age of three, childhood amnesia could be the result of him remembering incorrectly. …show more content…

As Jim grew out of childhood and into adulthood, he acquired many memories that may have disrupted his old memory. Therefore, his new memories likely changed his interpretation of the childhood memory. For example, he might be confusing the score in the game during the time his parents won the lottery with the score of another game he watched afterwards. New memories getting in the way of old memories is like the misinformation effect, which could have also played a role in Jim's misunderstanding. Jim might have heard misleading information that was stored in his brain and later altered his memory of the event. For example, Jim's parent might have misinformed him on where he was sitting at the table when he heard the news. Along with the misinformation effect, Jim's memory simply could have decayed. The decay theory is the assumption that memories fade away over time. As we grow older and obtain new memories, the old ones tend to fade and become less memorable. This is because of the creation of new neurons in the hippocampus. So, the longer Jim waits to recall his memory the harder it is to remember. Another reason could be that Jim stored the memory wrong long ago, and what he thought was the correct memory was stored in his brain until he grew into adulthood. When he tried

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