The Importance of the Marching Season to the Peace Process

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The Importance of the Marching Season to the Peace Process

Every July, Orange Order marches take place to commemorate the Battle

of The Boyne of 1690. Since the beginning of ‘The Troubles’ in 1969,

the sectarian divide, essentially in the geographical areas of

Northern Ireland, has become synonymous with the hopes and fears of

the two ideologies yet who still remain poles apart. Parades and

marches by the respective sides, reinforce this confrontation. The

marches have often been a flashpoint for violence and have been a

continual cause of tension between the unionists and the nationalists.

To accommodate sensitivities and to reduce tension, recently some

marches have been re-routed in order to stop the unionists marching

through nationalist areas. Much of this work has been successful and

tensions have been reduced. However in other areas, such as Drumcree

and the approach through the Garvachy Road, the loyalists have

insisted that they will not accept re-routing, and as with many things

in Northern Ireland this has become a symbol of Orange defiance and

example of where to draw the line.

Originally the marches contained loyal Protestants who for a variety

of reasons wished to march annually to raise the profile of their

loyalty, culture and cause. The majority of these parades passed off

peacefully and majority of who took part did not seek to incite

violence. The 2004 marches ended peacefully and it was reported “so

long as the rest of the summer passes off without serious violence,

officials in London and Dublin are hopeful that they can create a

positive atmosphere before fresh political talks in September.”

However in 2005 the marches were used as a rallying call for

extremists such as Johnny “mad dog” Adair whose use of violence

highlights the frustration of the hardliners. Of course people such

as this are only the tools used by more sinister forces such as the

Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), Red Hand Commandos and other such

Para-militaries, who probably use violent means to destabilise the

peace process.

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