The Importance Of Worshiping At A Baptist Church

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My religious is Christianity. I currently attend a Baptist church, which is small. I have been attending a Baptist church for years. I grew up in a Baptists church. The church I attend and have been attending since childhood is an all African-America congregation. However, I chose to worship at a Catholic church, which is concerned mass service. Worshiping at a different place of religious can be uncomfortable learning experience.
To begin with, the mass service as a whole was pleasant. The congregation was very friendly and welcoming. I did not feel uncomfortable in the beginning because the people of the congregation were opening as I walked in. The building was normal size for a place of worship. Inside of the church there was a table set up, which is called the altar. Also in the church, I could not help but to notice the big picture of their worshiper on the wall. The ushers provided bibles before mass service begun. The women during service was dress with long dresses and a hat that covered their entire head, but not their …show more content…

As a member of a Baptist church when entering we do not go to the altar and bow like a catholic member would instead we just take a seat until devotion begin. Baptist musician selections are more dramatic unlike catholic music is mellow. Baptist readings are not sections off into first reading nor second reading, however readings and prayers are placed in a random order every church service. Also we call the preacher/leader pastor instead of priest or father. We wear what we want to church as it is said “come as you are”. Catholic members has a dress code. My pastor always explain his text after reading, while catholic priests does not. The Catholic Church bibles are different from the Baptist church bibles. Although, both churches are different in many, however they do have a few similarity such as both believe in god and taking

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