The Importance Of Voting At 18

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I think we should keep the voting age at 18, My reasons are moblie elections and voting from home is to lazy and other people can vote as you, younger voters wouldn't really know who to vote for while at high school, and I also think people should vote for there own future president. Voting from home and/or moblie voting is not really a good plan because other people could use your moblie to vote for there own canadate for president and there's no coming back after a vote with your name on it.Your phone might also frezze on you and you can't even send your vote in time before the polls close. Also, hackers can hack thousands or millions of peoples moblie devices and vote all at once for there very own presidential canadite.

My reasons younger voters wouldn't be a good idea because they woulden't know who to vote for,who is running for president, or know what they did or do now. They would be buzy with high school, sports, girlfriends/boyfriends, work and etc.At that age most highschoolers at the age of 16 wounden't be in to voting for the next president or anything that has to do with voting, they would be in to buy the newest shos, playing games, or hanging out with friends.

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