The Importance Of Unfair Treatment In Society

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We must find ways to resist unfair treatment in society because everyone knows that there is a lot of things that are not fair in life, but I won’t sit around and don’t do anything about it. I am going to stick up for what I believe in and hopefully others will have the courage to do the same. We need to be aware of all the negatives things that are happening. No one’s life is easy, we all go through bad situations.What matters the most is how we take that bad situation and turn it into a better one.There are a lot of different things that creates unfairness in this world, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We need to get rid of unfairness because we are all human, so we shouldn’t treat another human being differently because of their race, religion, sexual orientation , color of their skin or even their physical appearance. On April 15, …show more content…

This is a great example of how people choose to lower people’s self esteem by telling them they have to look a certain way in order to be considered attractive. This is why in this modern society, the plastic surgery rates are very demanding. We don 't know when enough is enough. During this process we lose our true identity. There was this article that I read about why African American women had to wear something to cover their hair during the 18th century. I was really surprised when I heard about that. The reason they made us cover our hair was because white people wanted to diminish our beauty. White women were also jealous because black women had a lot of versatile hairstyles. The media always portrait a thin white one, but you never see them praising a beautiful thick african american woman. It messes up people mentality especially the younger generation of black little girls. Even within the black community, we need to change our mentality. All shades of black is beautiful and we need to realize

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