The Importance Of The Mandate Of Heaven

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China is a mystical land fills with its own tradition and cultures that stood in the test of time for more than 3 millennium and it’s have some the most richest period of history in our human existence. During those periods of history, as it ruled by different Dynasties or Noble Houses that create some small significance overtime and eventually change China into an empire that currently is still dominant forces in our world today. One of the most important ideas that shape China’s society and government is through the teaching of Confucius, the teacher of human behavior and the moral and philosophical code of ethics. It is through his teaching that influence and shape the idea of Mandate of Heaven. The Mandate of Heaven create by the Chou Dynasty, …show more content…

If the ruler does not follow the responsibility for the sake of his people or the will of the heaven, the heaven can bestow it will to another Dynasty and have the power to overthrow the current authorial power. The Mandate of Heaven can be benefits for the lives of the people at the same time. It gives the people the reason for their life more purpose and to be able to feel more secure as they know that Heaven is watching over them, knowing that Heaven could not do them harm if they follow the ruler. Throughout the history of China, the problems of poverty and natural disasters were often taken as signs that heaven considered ruler to be unjust and demanding the need of replacement. This raises the question when it comes to how should a ruler be properly acted upon the Heaven 's Will and also at the same time, how to become a proper teacher as a way to connect both Heaven and Earth so that people can continue to do their part to serve both their emperors and the heaven at the same time. The concept of humanity …show more content…

Confucius ethical and philosophical stance are to be seen as a humanist, or the value of human nature and the importance of individuality. From Confucius world of view, all people are essentially good and they are capable of showing compassion and humane kindness to others surround them. So in term on the idea of ren, every human being has the capacity to developed ren and it can exemplify through various interactions and the conduct of human society. So in order for a person to fully develop the ren virtue, the person must attempt to cultivate on their moral character. In the Analect, Confucius wrote the book fill with virtue as a way to guide people to the right path of righteousness. Confucius thinks the first practice of ren in the Analect should be the root of your family and then grow and branch out to other people. Confucius said: “ Young man should be filial when at home and respectful to their elders when away from home. They should be earnest and faithful. They should love all extensively and be intimate with men of humanity....”(Analect, 1:6). This passage could mean that in order to develop ren, the son or daughter responsibility is to respect and to love your parent

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