The Importance Of The Hero's Journey In The Scarlet Journey

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Hundreds of thousands of books have been written throughout the Course of human history, each very different from another. It may seem that there are an infinite number of stories that can be told, most can all boil down to twelve simple points. These twelve points were outlined by Joseph Campbell in his book, The Hero With a Thousand Faces. These steps are: the ordinary world; call to adventure; refusal of the call; meeting with the mentor; crossing the threshold; tests, allies, and enemies; approach; the ordeal; reward; road back; resurrection; and return with elixir. The hero’s journey always begins and ends in a comfortable and familiar place, the ordinary world. During the course of their journey, the hero travels to a strange new place, or the special world. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is no exception to these rules, as the character Arthur Dimmesdale follows nearly all the steps of a true hero. …show more content…

Dimmesdale, the novel’s hero, was described as an esteemed minister in Puritan era Boston. The next two steps are the call to adventure and refusal of the call. Dimmesdale’s call came from Hester Prynne on the scaffold in the first scene, but he would not join her there, thus refusing the call. The final step in the ordinary world is meeting the mentor. This is the first point where The Scarlet Letter diverges from Campbell’s outline. Whereas Campbell calls the mentor an aide and guide to the hero, Dimmesdale’s mentor was Roger Chillingworth, an evil doctor who had no intent to aide or guide

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