The Importance Of The Dark Web

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The Dark Web
Many people have never heard of one of the most dangerous places in the world, and it is not on land. The Dark Web, also considered the Deep Web, is a hidden part of the internet which is undetected by search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Etc. The dark web not accessible without special browsers. The Dark web is estimated to be 4,000–5,000 times larger than the web that everybody knows about. (Finklea 2015) Although the Dark Web is good for being anonymous, the dark web is being used by too many people for illegal issues. These include: drugs, guns, murders, hitmen, and a numerous amount of other issues. Some people who use the Dark Web believe is it good because it keeps you anonymous. However, a person has to be smart about …show more content…

But why do people want to go on the Dark Web? People go on the Dark Web for two reasons: to do illegal things without getting caught, and just for privacy. As of 2014, every person on the internet is being tacked in some way. They use information such as cookies, search engines, and download managers. (Henderson 2012) Although it is unusual to be getting tracked, as long as a person is not doing anything they should not be doing then they will be fine. With being anonymous, it might make a person curios. Just being allowed to be on the Dark Web puts people in danger of being part of illegal …show more content…

With porn being everywhere on the “visible web”, it is not a surprised that porn gets a lot crazier on the Dark Web. Child pornography is a sad, but some child molesters love it and would pay a lot of money for it. Over 50,000 people use the dark web for child pornography. Since everyone is anonymous, it is hard to catch people in the act. Many people use the dark web because it is so easy to not get caught.

In conclusion, the Dark Web is a dangerous place on the internet. Although it keeps a person anonymous, it can get many people in big trouble. People should not use the Dark Web because it is way too easily accessible, the government uses it for many reasons, and because of all the illegal activities that go on. If the Dark Web was shut down, then a decline in drugs, guns, and prostitution will be seen. The Dark Web should only be used by the government, not the everyday

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