Controversial Ideas Of Using Technology In The Classroom

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Living in the 21st century, our world revolves around technology and electronics. Almost everybody has a smartphone, laptop, and a television. People of my generation would find it hard to live without some form of technology or electronic device. So why is it such a controversial idea to use technology in a school setting? Since technology tends to be used for recreational purposes so often, people do not realize that they can be a great tool to help students learn in a more fun and relatable way, can help teachers teach in the classroom, and allow people to take online classes. Another great use for technology in education is to provide people with disabilities or people in very rural areas an opportunity to learn via e-learning. Online education is a type of schooling where students to do not go into a physical school setting. They can stay at home and complete their schooling via online classes. In Florida, virtual school is available to students K-12. Meaning, if someone wanted to, they could take all online classes their …show more content…

Some teachers use smartphones in the classroom as a tool to help the students learn. That is what the kids are familiar with, so they will be more willing to use them in the classroom for education (Nagel, Soloway 2013). Most kids have a smartphone and that is the device that they are on all the time, so of course they would want be excited to have it out in the classroom, even if it is for educational purposes. There are also many apps and games that can help students learn. For example, Kahoot is a great quizzing app that high schoolers love. The teacher makes questions related to the lesson, puts the questions on the screen, and then the students go onto the Kahoot app and answer the questions. It is a very fun way to review test questions. That is just one app, but there is thousands of apps in the app store related to studying or

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