The Importance Of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas?

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Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is one of the world’s important food crop and is a major food crop in developing countries (Woolfe, 1992). Sweet potato ranks as the world’s seventh most important food crop after wheat, rice, maize, potato, barley, and cassava (CIP,2000; FAO,2002). Sweet potato is mainly produced in marginal soils in low-input subsistence farming systems of developing countries where it is a major food crop and it is consumed in large quantities (Woolfe, 1992; Grüneberg et al., 2005) and an important staple food crop in Rwanda. It is quickly becoming an important supplementary staple in Eastern and Southern part of the Africa continent (Tumwegamire, 2004). The importance of sweet potato in daily Rwandan diets has to be underlined and sweet potato is one among the two most important crops: common beans and sweet potato, that help so much in the traditional foods of many Rwandese …show more content…

The leaves and the rest of the plant may work wonders for balancing out blood sugar making great for diabetics.
According to research, camote tops can counter attack the downfall of platelet count of anyone hit by dengue fever. The body’s immune system is thus revived, making dengue become helpless against the body’s natural defenses. With the help of camote tops, the body enables to heal itself.
The sweet potato comes with different types or varieties. These are the purple fleshed sweet potato, white fleshed sweet potato, and yellow fleshed sweet potato and the ordinary sweet potato. Although these varieties of sweet potato came from the same family, the Convolvulaceae family which has the scientific name Ipomoea batatas but they differ somehow with their nutritional content and skin color. In this study, we aim to compare the ability of each of the different types of the sweet potato which literally and obviously differ in their skin color in increasing the platelet count more

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