The Importance Of Surrogate Mother

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Surrogate is a person that takes the place of another or person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others. But mainly we refer it to surrogate mother. Also we can refer it to surrogate father but this is not commonly accepted. Surrogacy remains one of the least talked about tools in the right against infertility. Nevertheless, here in this text we are going to explain it depth why someone want's to become surrogate and who can be surrogate.

Surrogate father is a person that wants to raise a child who is biologically related to him. There are two necessary steps you will need to take if you want to become a father through surrogate pregnancy. First you will need to find an egg donor who will provide the egg that will be fertilized with …show more content…

I some cases the woman's ovum may be used, although that is not necessary. If that another woman, which place is taken by the surrogate mother, has a missshaped uterus, had hysterectomy that removed her uterus, some other reason that she cannot carry a child to full term, or some medical reason that would pose a danger to her or the unborn child, or her age, marital status, sexual orientation, then a surrogate is used. The surrogate is impregnated by In Vitro Fertilization or intrauterine ( if using her ovum ) can also be used to impregnate her. In some cases, surrogate donates her body and even her eggs for the procedure and in other cases, for that she is compensated …show more content…

If you know friends or family members in need of surrogate mother then you can arrange a private surrogacy with them. Private surrogacy can offer more freedom but less protection.
Only enter an agreement with reliable party. Surrogacy agencies put potential parents through screening process, but when you work on your own no such process exists.
Be aware of any possible genetic issues. Only become a surrogate for immediate family if both the intented mother's egg and the intented father's sperm are used.
Prepare to handle all the legal stuff yourself. So you should inform of country laws about surrogacy. Hiring an attorney is the best option but this option will raise the expense.
Work for free or close to it. Prospective parents usually choose private surrogacy because it saves them money. 3 There two types of surrogacy:

• Traditional – woman who is artificially inseminated with the father's sperm. She than carries the baby and delivers it for the intented parents to raise. Traditional surrogate is biological mother to the child.
• Gestational or In Vitro Fertilization – the eggs from prospective mother and the sperm from prospective father are fertilized outside of the body before being placed into the womb of the surrogate mother. The surrogate mother is not genetically tied to the

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