The Importance Of Stereotyping

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Society describes stereotyping as a generalization about a main group of people whereby they attribute a defined set of characteristics based on their appearance. We usually stereotype people when we are unable or unwilling to obtain all of the information that we need to make a fair judgment about people. Furthermore, when we judge people and groups based on our prejudices and stereotypes we start to treat them differently because we are discriminating them without even knowing them. Both authors Debra Merskin and Richard Lapchick convey the importance that stereotypes plays in our society, especially for Indians and athletes. American Indian images, music, and food logos have been incorporated into many American advertising campaigns and products images. Many products such as butter, honey, malt liquor, and tobacco packages provide images of American Indians who often are categorized as stereotyping. Racial and ethnic images are parts of the American advertising for more than a century. For example, white images of Native Americans ware always constructed through children’s game...

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