The Importance Of Soccer

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“Football is more than just a sport, it’s a community.” Jack Lang, professional soccer athlete for Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, tells Sports Illustrated, “The language and its use of words both hold a mirror to [a] society, reflecting its nuances as well as embellishing them…the game and the language that describe it are engaged in permanent dialogue -- jostling for position, conceding ground, stretching before snapping back in reconciliation. ” Lang, having since been playing on the Rio De Janeiro football team for his first time in 2013, didn’t realize what a huge symbol of hope this sport brought to people. The more games he played the more hope and joy people would receive (Lang, The Far Post 2013). Lang wasn’t the only one to recognize this; in fact, many non-governmental organizations use soccer’s communal attributes to promote peace within nations. Known as being the most popular sport, soccer has also played an essential role in mending fences between nations. Generally, this sport is referred to as "football" all over the world and it has brought traditional enemies together in peace, and has even gone as far as halting wars. For instance in 1914, during World War I, British and German troops on the front lines laid down their guns Christmas morning to play a modest game of soccer together. As well as in 1990, the Lebanon War was put on pause to watch World Cup games in Italy. Certainly this game does have its negative connotations as well as the positives, such as the stadium stampedes, unlawful behavior, and overly enthusiastic fans that resort to violence against opposing fans, referees and even players, but what must be noted is that these negative behaviors are all done as a unified act. What is suggested by the non-gove... ... middle of paper ... ... far, the organization has being well received in each of the countries. Each country has its own particular sector and each WANGO representative contributes his or her own unique perspective and talents to the project. The Non-governmental organizations that use soccer as a way of peace have found success among all mixtures of countries as well as the youth within them. The youth are our future, and when we focus on teaching them peace there is a higher potential of peace in our future as well as theirs. This concept of trying to reach a younger generation for world peace is logical and innovative. Sometimes as people with all different walks of life and backgrounds, we it is necessary to convince the next generation to agree with who or what we like to give us gratification. But the true gratification will happen when we see love conquer over the judgment. We n

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