The Importance Of Siblings In Older Adults

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The types of relationships that are important to older people are similar to those that are important to other stages of the life span (Harwood, 2007 p. 95). The most important relationship to older adults is first their spouses, second their family, and last their friends. An adult sibling’s relationship may be the secret to happy, long life. Harwood, 2007 p. 105 emphasized it by saying that sibling’s relationship has the potential to be the most lifelong relationship of all. There is probably a biological explanation for this sibling bond. Siblings share some fundamental experiences which others do not. Siblings are age peers, grew up in same environment, of same parents, and extended family. They share the same cultural and religious heritage, and shared childhood experiences. Most siblings relationships are close especially a brother and a sister, and there are several things that can enhance or scuttle closeness in adulthood. …show more content…

Older adults whose spouses are deceased tend to turn to their siblings as confidant, and close partners. Age-related problems can also bring siblings, who are of relatively similar ages, death of a parent, spouse or other events (p. 107). Other things that can bring siblings closer is when their children have grown into adulthood, they will then have time to share together as was done in their younger days when they were children. Another condition that enhances closeness is in twins’ relationship, where they have shared the same womb before birth. Research proves that being in close relationship with a twin makes one live longer, though this seems to be more effective with identical twins (p.

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