Senior Assassination Essay

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For many 12th graders in America, Senior Assassination has been a fun game for students before leaving off to college. This is because they get a break from class and have about two weeks to let all their stress free and have some fun. Research has shown that Senior Assassination can be fun, but can also be perilous and dangerous. Many students across America tend to do illegal stuff and try to hurt each other which does not have a positive effect on students. They are also missing class which is a negative effect on their academics and learning. Senior Assassination should not be kept in high schools because they do not have a positive effect on academics, they are not practicing legal stuff, and they can hurt each other.

According to the …show more content…

But why is this? What do they see as “fun” in this. What do they see as “helpful” in this? Why is “fake” murdering kids helpful to these teens? These are questions we don’t know. So why do we do it? It definitely doesn’t keep them healthy. They are not even sleeping in their house! They are staying overnight in borrowed vans and sleeping on futons! Also, According to “Do Games Like 'Grand Theft Auto V' Cause Real-World Violence?”, it states “Quoth Fox & Friends' Steve Doocey: "unfortunately you know it seems every time something bad like this happens we look at "is there a connection between video games and the shooter?" Well, take a look at some people who were described as addicted, from Columbine High School, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the Virginia Tech shooter, the Arizona shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, that Norway shooter who Anders Behring [sic], I think he shot 77 people. The Aurora shooter, James Holmes, the Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza, they're all described as essentially being addicted to video games." This is saying how teens who play video games as a teenager can possibly turn out to be future shooters/killers. During these video games they are pretending to be a shooter and as they gain information on how to be a shooter, they tend to use those skills in real life. This is not what we want. In the same text it also states, “The Telegraph's Nick Allen described the shooter's ‘darker side’ which ‘saw …show more content…

Senior Assassination can be fun. It can even be exciting since these students are getting a break from school, but it most definitely can also be dangerous and perilous. Despite the fact that some people believe that these games are school based and fun, I strongly believe that it causes bad real life behavior. Due to the fact that they are doing illegal stuff, skipping school, and hurting each other, I feel as though these assassination games are not good for teens. So why keep the streak going? Let’s end this and make a new “Senior Assassination” that is more fun, less dangerous, and more educational for

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