The Importance Of Self Determination

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How would your life be different if you strengthened self-discipline? For some people 'discipline' sparks negativity so I will use 'self-determination' instead. Strengthening self-determination is one of the best things you can do to make great advancements in life and work. You gain freedom, confidence, and success. Self-determination leads to accomplishing more, perseverance, healthier choices, financial stability, a positive career/ business outlook, confidence to handle and achieve whatever comes your way, better control of time, and perceiving obstacles as only bumps in the road. Below are 4 cornerstones to bolster self-determination. "People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit. …show more content…

Firm decisions are made with the best possible outcome in mind. The objective is established often in contrast to emotions tied to instant gratification. There is no room for excuses. You are set in your purpose. This is where strategy becomes your structure to hold you accountable to a systematic plan to reach your end result. Whether you are deciding on stopping at the donut shop next to the gym, working an elaborate project, or growing a new business determination is the first step. Pause and make the best choice with firm resolve knowing your ultimate objective. "The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for." Maureen Dowd Daily Discipline- This is the execution of your strategy. It is disciplining and training oneself to follow through on the best choice while refusing to give in to emotionally-based instant gratification. You carry out a regimen knowing the rewards are great. You strengthen your will to resist impulses that conflict with your best interests. When you fall down you get back up, learn from it, and continue. With free will we can alter our fate. Daily discipline provides the support system. Through this process positive transition occurs. "Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph; a beginning, a struggle and a victory." …show more content…

~ Begin with a smaller goal to build a record of accomplishment. Choose your objective and strategy with firm determination. No hoping. It is a decision, a commitment, with firm determination to succeed. ~ Execute your strategy with daily discipline. Record in a journal each time you succeed in overcoming emotionally-based impulses by making the best choice for you. If you give into an impulse learn from it. Jot down what was going on: were you tired, hungry, sad, stressed, etc. Excuses are not an option but we can learn from them in order to take better care of ourselves and strengthen. ~ Decide what you will tell yourself about discomfort so that you continue to make the best choices. ~ Acknowledge your progress and enjoy the rewards. Congratulations! Celebrate your achievement! Continue strengthening! Choice B- Practice building self-determination for a full month. ~ Mark the last day of the month as a Celebration Day! ~ Make a note in your smart phone, a handy notebook, or whatever works best for you each time you encounter a moment of self-determination. Note the date, day, the situation, how you felt before and after, if you used self-determination or gave into

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