The Importance Of Resilience

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Mental Health is needed in the work place. Those who are mentally unstable cannot focus on their job. They also miss a lot of work because of this illness. “According to the CIPD’s absence report in 2011, one employee in five admit to absence that has not been caused by “genuine” ill health” (Harrington, 2012, p.1). The article Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way explains the history, definition, and importance of resilience. Resilience is defined as an attitude that enables the individual to examine, enhance and utilize strengths, characteristics, and other resources available to him or her. The more an individual receives positive encouragement the greater a person’s resilience becomes. They start to see the brighter side of things allowing them to push through any struggles they may encounter along the way. Another big part of developing resilience is the environment in which a person resides. If a person is surrounded by negativity they will likely remain negative. If a person fulfilled they will remain flexible to change and stay positive (Harrington, 2012). …show more content…

Harrington, A. (2012). Where there's a will, there's a way. Occupational Health, 64(3), 27-30. Retrieved from Hi Angela, Someone once told me if you are not doing something wrong then you are not doing anything at all. Everyone makes mistakes. It is what we learn from them that matters. To me this is a big part of what being resilient means. This is very critical when it comes to the workplace. I am a firm believer in the quote Anna Harrington referenced “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger” (Nietzche, 1888). If everyone can keep a positive mindset they can defeat all odds. References: Harrington, A. (2012). Where there's a will, there's a way. Occupational Health, 64(3), 27-30. (Harrington, 2012) or (Harrington, 2012,

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