The Importance Of Prom

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Prom is the most important event of your existence. It matters more than launching a successful career, getting married, having babies, and traveling combined. As for a fact, if you don’t attend prom, you might as well stamp the word loser on your forehead and call yourself an outcast because this will have been the most regretful choice of your life. If you don’t go to prom, just know that you will be forever labeled the anti prom king/queen and every student in your school will remember that you were the only one who missed it and judged you for it. Now most essentially, look back at everything I just told you and realize everything was an utter and complete lie. This simple word “Prom” does not mean either the beginning or the end of the rest of your existence. The prom experience that you see in movies or that your friends tell you about will not get you into a university, get a good job, or help you give birth to the next world leader. Despite what people may say, not attending prom won’t label you a social loner or bring down your reputation. In all honesty, not attending prom ...

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