The Importance Of President Obama's Foreign Policy Achievements

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In the United States, our president has many different responsibilities and duties like any other job. So what happens if some of these are not carried out? Does this make the president’s job performance not effective? Or are the duties carried enough to outweigh the ones not? In my opinion, some accomplishments are better than none at all. Some of these have been a result of his foreign policy, domestic policy, and campaign promises. It was said by John F. Kennedy, “domestic policy can only defeat us, foreign policy can kill us,” this shows just how important it is when dealing with issues surrounding foreign policy. One of President Obama’s foreign policy achievements was in Lybia when he decided to join with N.A.T.O to remove Ghaddafi from power. Initially, this mission was criticized greatly by both sides for getting involved in the middle of the Libyan …show more content…

An example of an achievement in domestic policy was through the American Recovery and Investment Act. This act provided $288 billion in tax relief for businesses and working families, $244 billion towards educational, welfare, and entitlement initiatives, and $275 billion federal loans, contracts, and grants. Stipulation was also accounted for to see where exactly the money is being used. Some might argue that Obama penalizes the wealthy and in return supports the poor through acts such as higher taxes, healthcare coverage, and welfare. In my opinion, the president has chosen where to invest this money wisely and it has certainly made an impact on better supporting the poor and

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