The Importance Of Poverty In The United States

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The United States has one of the biggest and most stable economies in the world today. With an estimated GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of 18 trillion dollars, a GDP per Capita of 58,000 dollars, and a GNI (Gross National Income) of 18 trillion dollars, the United States has one of largest economies in the world. The U.S. should aid developing countries by providing money and supplies that are necessary to help reduce poverty, to sustain their population, and to grow their economies. The United States should assist developing Countries through means, that are necessary to reduce poverty, to sustain their population, and to increase the GDP per Capital across the country. If we are hungry, or we are in need of a necessity, then we could just buy it. But, people in Central Africa's Republic or Burundi whose GDP per capita is less than one thousand dollars can't buy that necessity. So, we as a country who regards equality and justice among all very highly should help those in need. To help those who need it and those who deserve a chance that needs it. By helping them survive to the next day, by helping them gain wealth, by helping them move up the social and economic ladder, and by helping them help others who are in need. …show more content…

Over half of the world's population is in poverty, of which an estimated billion children are in poverty. How would you feel if your children or younger brothers and sisters are in poverty? You would have the urge to help them, and so why aren't we helping those in poverty right now. We should aid to push and fight for those in

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